Results for 'Alexis de Tocqueville'

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  1. Alexis de Tocqueville’s Citizenship: A Model of Collective Virtue (unofficial draft).Maura Priest - forthcoming - In Peter J. Boettke and Adam Martin (ed.), The Political Economy of Alexis de Tocqueville.
    In this chapter I argue that Alexis de Tocqueville describes the virtue of citizenship in a way that is relevant to contemporary virtue ethics. He explains how a group can possess a virtue that is distinct from the virtue of individual members of the group. (this is an unofficial draft).
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    ΜΟΝΤΕΡΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΤΑΜΟΝΤΕΡΝΙΣΜΟΣ - ΑΛΕΞΗΣ ΚΑΡΠΟΥΖΟΣ.Alexis Karpouzos - 2024 - Cosmic Spirit 1 (montern themes):8. Translated by alexis karpouzos.
    Η μοντέρνα φιλοσοφία στράφηκε απευθείας στη φύση (Francis Bacon), στράφηκε απευθείας στο νου (René Descartes), στράφηκε απευθείας στην εμπειρία (Thomas Hobbes). Από αυτή τη βασική διαφωνία ως προς τις πηγές της φιλοσοφικής γνώσης προέκυψε η «διαμάχη των αρχαίων με τους σύγχρονους». -/- Η σύγχρονη φιλοσοφία αποστασιοποιήθηκε από το παγιωμένο γνωσιολογικό παρελθόν και ενστερνίστηκε την αρχή ότι η γνώση προοδεύει ιστορικά και κατατείνει στη διεύρυνση της ανθρώπινης κατανόησης μέσω της λογικής μεθόδου ή μέσω της εμπειρίας. Στη διαμάχη μεταξύ των ηπειρωτικών ορθολογιστών (...)
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  3. Verdad, discurso y libertad en Foucault. Reflexiones a partir de su etapa arqueológica.Alexis Sossa Rojas - 2012 - Aposta 54:2.
    El presente artículo analiza la etapa denominada arqueológica de Michel Foucault. Puntualizando principalmente cómo en esta etapa es entendido el concepto de libertad desde la noción foucaultiana de discurso. Se aborda, en este sentido, la etapa arqueológica de Foucault desde tres áreas. La primera, nos habla de cómo se erige lo diferente, lo anormal. La segunda, expone cómo se construye lo aparente, lo indiscutible. Por último, a partir de un marco teórico previamente expuesto, reflexionamos respecto del concepto de libertad.
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  4. La Philosophie Bǎntu-Rwandaise de L’Être.Alexis Kagame - 1956 - Académie royale des sciences coloniales.
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  5. Spin-offs d’entreprises, une modalité d’innovation accélératrice de création de valeur.Alexis Royer - 2017 - Spin-Offs and Innovation.
    Quelle stratégie d’innovation choisir ? Comment la mettre en oeuvre ? Dans un contexte général de digitalisation et d’ubérisation des marchés, l’innovation, et notamment les innovations disruptives, sont des objectifs usuellement affichés dans les entreprises.
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  6. AS PALAVRAS SÃO PODERES - ALEXIS KARPOUZOS.Alexis Karpouzos - manuscript
    En los albores de la tercera del siglo XXI, la existencia de la humanidad se ha vuelto sumamente peligrosa. Estamos talando nuestros bosques, agotando nuestros acuíferos de agua dulce y perdendo nuestros suelos superiores vitais. Estamos eliminando a vida de nuestros oceanos e reemplazándola com cientos de milhões de toneladas de desechos plásticos. Estamos inundando nosso ambiente com produtos químicos industriais tóxicos. Nuestra contaminação está impulsando a mudança climática que provoca olas de calor, sequías e incêndios florestais que destrozan o (...)
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  7. SÖZLER GÜÇ - ALEXIS KARPOUZOS.Alexis Karpouzos - manuscript
    21. yüzyılın üçüncü on yılının şafağında, insanlığın varlığı son derece tehlikeli hale geldi. Ormanlarımızı kesiyor, tatlı su akiferlerimizi tüketiyor ve hayati önem taşıyan topraklarımızı kaybediyoruz. Okyanuslarımızdaki yaşamı sıyırıp yerine yüz milyonlarca ton plastik atık koyuyoruz. Çevremizi toksik endüstriyel kimyasallarla dolduruyoruz. Kirliliğimiz, kıtalardaki yaşamın dokusunu parçalayan ısı dalgalarına, kuraklıklara ve vahşi yangınlara neden olan iklim değişikliğini tetikliyor. Ve dünyaya yeni nesiller getiriyoruz, onurlu bir varoluşun kaynaklarına erişmeye ihtiyaç duyan milyonlarca insan. Hayata yönelik tehditlerin kapsamı ve genişliği her geçen gün artmaktadır. Bu (...)
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    Wir leben in einem Universum, das aus vielen verschiedenen Perspektiven gesehen und erlebt werden kann. Deshalb müssen wir das Universum aus vielen verschiedenen Blickwinkeln betrachten. Alles und jeder ist eine Form des Universums, die sich auf eine bestimmte Weise ausdrückt. Mit anderen Worten, jeder von uns kann mit absoluter Gewissheit sagen: „Wir sind das Universum!“ Da wir das Universum sind, bietet jeder von uns eine wertvolle Perspektive, die die Beiträge aller und alles andere um uns herum ergänzt. Jeder von uns (...)
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  9. LAS PALABRAS SON PODER - ALEXIS KARPOUZOS.Alexis Karpouzos - manuscript
    En los albores de la tercera década del siglo XXI, la existencia de la humanidad se ha vuelto sumamente peligrosa. Estamos talando nuestros bosques, agotando nuestros acuíferos de agua dulce y perdiendo nuestros suelos superiores vitales. Estamos eliminando la vida de nuestros océanos y reemplazándola con cientos de millones de toneladas de desechos plásticos. Estamos inundando nuestro medio ambiente con productos químicos industriales tóxicos. Nuestra contaminación está impulsando el cambio climático que provoca olas de calor, sequías e incendios forestales que (...)
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  10. DAS SCHICKSAL DER ERDE - ALEXIS KARPOUZOS.Alexis Karpouzos - manuscript
    Wir wissen, dass eine Transformation von globalem Ausmaß bereits begonnen hat, und wir wissen, dass ihre Entfaltung nicht vorhersehbar ist. Wir können sicher sein, dass es eine Herausforderung sein wird: Wir werden inmitten tiefgreifender Veränderungen leben, unser Überleben wird ständig auf dem Spiel stehen. Werden wir das Verständnis, die Weisheit erreichen, um diese Herausforderung zu bestehen? Hier sind einige Gedanken und Überlegungen, die uns helfen, den Zustand zu erreichen, in dem wir eine positive Antwort geben können. -/- Zurückblicken, um nach (...)
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  11. LES MOTS ONT LE POUVOIR - ALEXIS KARPOUZOS.Alexis Karpouzos - manuscript
    À l'aube de la troisième décennie du XXIe siècle, l'existence de l'humanité est devenue hautement périlleuse. Nous abattons nos forêts, épuisons nos aquifères d'eau douce et perdons nos sols vitaux. Nous enlevons la vie de nos océans et la remplaçons par des centaines de millions de tonnes de déchets plastiques. Nous inondons notre environnement de produits chimiques industriels toxiques. Notre pollution est à l'origine du changement climatique qui provoque des vagues de chaleur, des sécheresses et des incendies de forêt qui (...)
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  12. On Law as Poetry: Shelley and Tocqueville.Joshua M. Hall - forthcoming - South African Journal of Philosophy 3 (40).
    Consonant with the ongoing “aesthetic turn” in legal scholarship, this article pursues a new conception of law as poetry. Gestures in this law-as-poetry direction appear in all three main schools in the philosophy of law’s history, as follows. First, natural law sees law as divinely-inspired prophetic poetry. Second, positive law sees the law as a creative human positing (from poetry’s poesis). And third, critical legal theory sees these posited laws as calcified prose prisons, vulnerable to poetic liberation. My first two (...)
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  13. La présence messianique sans artifice : Jacob Taubes critique de Theodor W. Adorno.Alexis Lafleur-Paiement - 2020 - Ithaque 27 (Automne 2020):111-129.
    Jacob Taubes (1923-1987), sociologue, philosophe et théologien, est un des grands spécialistes de l’œuvre de Walter Benjamin et en particulier du messianisme de ce dernier. Peu avant sa mort, dans une conférence en 1987, Taubes revient sur ce concept benjaminien en l’opposant à ce qu’il appelle le « messianisme esthétisé » de Theodor W. Adorno. Notre article, après avoir présenté certains traits théologiques de la pensée de Taubes, se concentre sur l’analyse de cette conférence. Nous explorons la conception du messianisme (...)
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  14. Contribuciones del pensamiento ilustrado y la teoría crítica a la filosofía de la innovación educativa.Jefferson Moreno-Guaicha & Alexis Mena-Zamora - 2020 - In Filosofía de la innovación y de la tecnología educativa: Tomo I Filosofía de la innovación. Quito: Abya-Yala. pp. 125-160.
    El capítulo IV, Contribuciones del pensamiento ilustrado y la teoría crítica a la filosofía de la innovación educativa, realizado por Jefferson Alexander Moreno Guaicha y Alexis Alberto Mena Zamora, reflexiona acerca de las aportaciones de la ilustración y de la teoría crítica para la filosofía y para la innovación educativa; se propone repensar la educación a partir de los nuevos y emergentes presupuestos propios de la época actual; propone una revalorización de la razón crítica y de la praxis social (...)
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  15. " Tocqueville in a Conservative World". [REVIEW]D. N. Byrne - 2006 - Australian Review of Public Affairs - Drawing Board 2006:1-5.
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  16. Concepción cristiana de familia desde el paradigma medieval.Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha & Alexis Mena-Zamora - 2022 - In Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha & Alexis Mena-Zamora (eds.), Genealogía de la familia. Concepciones filosóficas, psicológicas, políticas y sociológicas (Volumen 1). Quito: Abya-Yala. pp. 37-70.
    El concepto de familia a lo largo de la historia ha sido estructurado y entendido desde diversas ópticas y perspectivas, configuradas especialmente a partir de los enfoques filosóficos, políticos, religiosos y sociales de cada época. Como señala Morales Gómez (2015), la familia, “es la institución histórica y jurídica de más profundo arraigo a lo largo de las distintas etapas de la civilización y su origen se remonta a los albores de la humanidad” (p. 129), pero, a pesar de ser una (...)
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  17. Filosofía de la innovación y de la tecnología educativa: Tomo I Filosofía de la innovación.Aguilar Floralba, Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha, Darwin Joaqui, Robert Bolaños, Alexis Mena, Edison Higuera, José Baldeón, Jessica Villamar, Luis López & Mauro Avilés - 2020 - Quito: Abya-Yala.
    Esta obra colectiva expone diversas concepciones teóricas, ontológicas, epistemológicas, axiológicas y prácticas sobre el origen, sentido, problemáticas, ventajas, detrimentos, alternativas y desafías de la filosofía de la innovación y su incidencia en la educación; reflexiona sobre las contribuciones de la tecnología y responde a interrogantes como: ¿Cuáles son los aporte de la tradición filosófica, del pensamiento ilustrado, de la postmodernidad y de la teoría crítica para la filosofía de la innovación educativa?; ¿Cuál es la función de la filosofía para la (...)
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  18. Modelos de aprendizaje en la transición hacia la complejidad como un desafío a la simplicidad.Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha, Alexis Mena-Zamora & Levis Zerpa Morloy - 2024 - Sophía: Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 1 (36):69-112.
    Esta investigación se emprende motivada por la necesidad de desentrañar la progresión de los modelos de aprendizaje, los cuales se han ido adaptando para responder a las demandas de la sociedad en su dinámica constante de fluctuación y transformaciones. El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar de forma sistemática la evolución de los modelos de aprendizaje, destacando los cambios paradigmáticos que han favorecido la transición de enfoques de aprendizaje tradicionales hacia propuestas más innovadoras y transdisciplinarias. Para lograrlo, se lleva a (...)
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    Rugby como alternativa dentro de los procesos de reinserción social del Colectivo Calle, Paz y Respeto.Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha, Alexis Mena Zamora, Silvana Escobar Córdova & Andrés Tirado - 2024 - Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Rcs) 1 (30):313-330.
    La práctica de Actividad Física y Deportiva en los procesos de reinserción promueve escenarios formativos integrales para la construcción de relaciones saludables dentro del entramado social, presentándose como una herramienta efectiva para el trabajo con jóvenes en situación de riesgo por contexto de pandillas. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la práctica del rugby como alternativa dentro de los procesos de reinserción social de jóvenes ex-integrantes de pandillas junto al Colectivo Calle, Paz y Respeto de la ciudad de Ibarra-Ecuador. La (...)
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  20. Voces de carnaval. Ritualidad festiva, resignificación cultural y mercantilismo.Eloísa Carbonell, Germán Zarama Vásquez, Aura Orozco Araújo, Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha, Alexis Mena Zamora, Floralba Aguilar-Gordón & Patricio Guerrero Arias - 2022 - Quito: Abya Yala.
    Voces de Carnaval: ritualidad festiva, resignificación cultural y mercantilismo, surge del interés de compartir experiencias de la ritualidad festiva en varias latitudes, especialmente latinoamericanas, para generar nuevos sentidos de encuentro cultural. Este espacio plural, motivado desde la Red Colombia Festiva junto con el Instituto de Estudios en Comunicación y Cultura de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Bogotá, varias universidades públicas, la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana de Quito, a través de la carrera de Antropología, el grupo de investigación Filosofía de la (...)
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  21. Learning Models in the Transition Towards Complexity as a Challenge to Simplicity.Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha, Alexis Mena Zamora & Levis Zerpa Morloy - 2024 - Sophía: Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 1 (36):67-108.
    This research is motivated by the need to unravel the progression of learning models, which have been adapting to meet the demands of society in its constant dynamics of fluctuation and transformation. The aim of this work is to systematically examine the evolution of learning models, highlighting the paradigmatic changes that have favored the transition from traditional learning approaches to more innovative and transdisciplinary proposals. To achieve this, a bibliographic analysis is carried out, supported by the hermeneutic method for the (...)
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  22. Alternativa radiofónica: una propuesta para garantizar el acceso a la educación en tiempos de pandemia.Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha & Alexis Mena Zamora - 2022 - Horizontes Revista de Investigación En Ciencias de la Educación 6 (24):1215-1232.
    Las problemáticas originadas a raíz de la pandemia han incidido notablemente en la educación, especialmente en cuanto a la calidad y el acceso igualitario para los sectores más vulnerables. La investigación analizó las experiencias de escuelas radiofónicas en Ecuador y su potencial para garantizar el acceso a la educación en sectores que enfrentan limitaciones de conexión a internet en tiempos de pandemia. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa que recopila datos de entrevistas aplicadas a especialistas en el tema y miembros (...)
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  23. Genealogía de la familia: Concepciones filosóficas, psicológicas, políticas y sociales (Volumen 1).Floralba Aguilar, Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha, Catya Torres, Pablo Heredia, Alexis Mena, Robert Bolaños, Alexandra Chamba, Alex Estrada, María Arévalo, Darwin Joaqui, Dorys Ortiz & Lilian Jaramillo - 2022 - Quito: Abya-Yala.
    En cada página de este volumen sobre las concepciones filosóficas,psicológicas, políticas y sociológicas, se puede encontrar una serie de plan-teamientos, perspectivas y dudas que permitirán emprender nuevos abor-dajes investigativos que coadyuvarán para la comprensión de la esencia, delsentido y del significado del rol de la familia en el actual escenario signadopor la tendencia creciente en ciencia y en tecnología, mismas que, paulatinamente han ido transformando las diferentes formas de vivir, de ser, deenseñar y de aprender del ser humano. Nos encontramos (...)
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  24. What Has Athens to Do with Rome? Tocqueville and the New Republicanism.Alexander Jech - 2017 - American Political Thought 6 (4):550-573.
    The recent debate over “republican” conceptions of freedom as non-domination has re- invigorated philosophical discussions of freedom. However, “neo-Roman” republicanism, which has been characterized as republicanism that respects equality, has largely ignored the work of Alexis de Tocqueville, although he too took his task to be crafting a republicanism suited to equality. I therefore provide a philosophical treatment of the heart of Tocqueville’s republicanism, including an analysis of his conception of freedom as freedom in combined action and (...)
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  25. Formación docente desde la filosofía educativa transdisciplinaria.Floralba Aguilar, Javier Collado, José Manuel Touriñan, Robert Fernando Bolaños-Vivas, Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha, Alex Estrada-García, María Alejandra Marcelín-Alvarado, Dante Augusto Galeffi, Florent Pasquier, Nicolás Aguilar-Forero, Elisa Álvarez-Monsalve, Alexis Alberto Mena-Zamora, Odalia Llerena-Companioni, Oscar Santiago Barzaga- Sablón, Grey Zita Zambrano, Elva Vaca-Cárdenas, Yamilia Bárbara Cruz-Álvarez, Fanny Tubay-Zambrano, Cristian Javier Urbina Velasco, María Fernanda Alvarado-Ávila, Joselin Katerine Segovia-Sarmiento, Karina Luzdelia Mendoza-Bravo, Katty Isabel Posligua-Loor, Miguel Orozco-Malo & Cufuna Silva-Amino - 2023 - Quito: Abya Yala.
    La formación docente es indispensable para responder a los requerimientos de la compleja sociedad actual. De su conocimiento, iniciativa, praxis y creatividad depende el éxito o el fracaso del sujeto que aprende. Al modificar el rol del docente se transforma la actitud de los estudiantes. ¿Cómo entender la formación filosófica transdisciplinar? Este texto responde a este y otros cuestionamientos: ¿cuáles son los planteamientos pedagógicos afines a la era digital? ¿en qué medida las TIC se encuentran al servicio de una filosofía (...)
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  26. La democracia tocquevilliana: entre el dualismo y la dialéctica de la libertad.Andrés Stark Azócar - 2016 - Estudios Filosóficos:311-322.
    For Alexis de Tocqueville, a faithful son of the Enlightenment, the priority given to the individual in the pursuit of truth represents the starting point of an inexorable march of equality towards individual autonomy. In other words, in agreement with the historicist movements of the 19th Century, Tocqueville interprets history as a dialectical progress: History understood as progress in the Hegelian sense, whose becoming unfolds in virtue of a steady and unalterable progress towards a better society-civilization as (...)
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  27. Teoria Democrática Contemporânea.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    A partir do século XIX, a teoria democrática foi desenvolvida com base no confronto entre duas doutrinas políticas: o liberalismo e o socialismo. O liberalismo é um projeto que defende as limitações dos poderes governamentais, buscando a proteção dos direitos econômicos, políticos, religiosos e intelectuais dos membros da sociedade. Ou seja, para os liberais o poder do Estado deve ser limitado, pois eles acreditam que a verdadeira liberdade depende da menor interferência possível do Estado e das leis nesses direitos. A (...)
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  28. A Consolidação da Sociedade Capitalista e a Ciência da Sociedade.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    PREMISSA No século XIX, ocorreram transformações impulsionadas pela emergência de novas fontes energéticas (água e petróleo), por novos ramos industriais e pela alteração profunda nos processos produtivos, com a introdução de novas máquinas e equipamentos. Depois de 300 anos de exploração por parte das nações europeias, iniciou -se, principalmente nas colônias latino-americanas, um processo intenso de lutas pela independência. É no século XIX, já com a consolidação do sistema capitalista na Europa, que se encontra a herança intelectual mais próxima da (...)
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    Larry Siedentop, Democracy in Europe. [REVIEW]Maarten Mentzel - 2001 - European Societies 3 (3):376-379.
    A political history and philosophy of the European Union. The journey of European states in their ungoing efforts from 1951 on (the Schuman Plan). Democracy, its political institutions and philosophical foundations, compared to Alexis de Tocqueville, De la démocratie en Amérique (two volumes, 1835, 1840; transl.: Democracy in Europe, London 1994) and a wide range of political theorists.
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  30. ¿PUEDE HABLARSE DE JUSTICIA EN CASOS DE REDUCCIÓN DE PENAS POR PREACUERDOS? SOBRE EL CONCEPTO DE JUSTICIA EN LA JUSTICIA PREMIAL. ANÁLISIS FILOSÓFICO DESDE HABERMAS, DWORKIN Y ALEXY.Jesus Enrrique Caldera Ynfante - 2021 - In Innovación en la docencia e investigación de las Ciencias Jurídicas, Económicas y Empresariales. Madrid: Dykinson. pp. 206-236.
    Con la presente ponencia, analizamos el instituto de justicia procesal denominado justicia premial a la luz de lo establecido en la Ley 906 de 2004 colombiana, haciendo énfasis en la situación del capturado en flagrancia, regulado en el artículo 301 de la misma Ley, y del artículo 57 de la Ley 1453 de 2011. Seguidamente, analizamos esta institución procesal, a la luz del concepto de racionalidad dialógica de Habermas, para luego discutir dicho concepto con la idea del discurso práctico racional (...)
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  31. La teoría de los principios de Robert Alexy. Algunas notas acerca de su interpretación.Noelia Martínez-Doallo - 2023 - In Gonzalo Villa Rosas, Claudia Toledo, Alejandro Nava Tovar & Arnulfo Mateos (eds.), Derecho, argumentación y ponderación. Ensayos en honor a Robert Alexy. Universidad del Externado de Colombia. pp. 287-318.
    A partir de los postulados de una concepción semántica de norma y su clasificación en reglas y principios, Robert Alexy ha enunciado una tesis fuerte de la separación, al concebir que entre ambos tipos de normas no solo existe una diferencia gradual, sino también cualitativa. En este contexto, los principios son descritos como mandatos de optimización, caracterizados por un cumplimiento gradual en atención a las posibilidades reales y jurídicas, y a través de la denominada técnica de la ponderación. A pesar (...)
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  32. "After Tocqueville – the Curious Adventures of Bernard-Henri Lévy and Don Watson". [REVIEW]D. N. Byrne - 2013 - Australian Review of Public Affairs - Drawing Board 2013:1-5.
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  33. Conversation from Beyond the Grave? A Neo‐Confucian Ethics of Chatbots of the Dead.Alexis Elder - 2020 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (1):73-88.
    Digital records, from chat transcripts to social media posts, are being used to create chatbots that recreate the conversational style of deceased individuals. Some maintain that this is merely a new form of digital memorial, while others argue that they pose a variety of moral hazards. To resolve this, I turn to classical Chinese philosophy to make use of a debate over the ethics of funerals and mourning. This ancient argument includes much of interest for the contemporary issue at hand, (...)
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  34. Why Bad People Can't be Good Friends.Alexis Elder - 2013 - Ratio 27 (1):84-99.
    Must the best friends necessarily be good people? On the one hand, as Aristotle puts it, ‘people think that the same people are good and also friends’. But on the other hand, friendship sometimes seems to require that one behave badly. For example, a normally honest person might lie to corroborate a friend's story. What I will call closeness, which I take to include sensitivity to friends' subjective values and concerns as well as an inclination to take their subjective interests (...)
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  35. Excellent online friendships: an Aristotelian defense of social media.Alexis Elder - 2014 - Ethics and Information Technology 16 (4):287-297.
    I defend social media’s potential to support Aristotelian virtue friendship against a variety of objections. I begin with Aristotle’s claim that the foundation of the best friendships is a shared life. Friends share the distinctively human and valuable components of their lives, especially reasoning together by sharing conversation and thoughts, and communal engagement in valued activities. Although some have charged that shared living is not possible between friends who interact through digital social media, I argue that social media preserves the (...)
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  36. Robots, Rebukes, and Relationships: Confucian Ethics and the Study of Human-Robot Interactions.Alexis Elder - 2023 - Res Philosophica 100 (1):43-62.
    The status and functioning of shame is contested in moral psychology. In much of anglophone philosophy and psychology, it is presumed to be largely destructive, while in Confucian philosophy and many East Asian communities, it is positively associated with moral development. Recent work in human-robot interaction offers a unique opportunity to investigate how shame functions while controlling for confounding variables of interpersonal interaction. One research program suggests a Confucian strategy for using robots to rebuke participants, but results from experiments with (...)
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    Η ΛΟΓΟΤΕΧΝΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΙΑΣ - ΑΛΕΞΗΣ ΚΑΡΠΟΥΖΟΣ.Alexis Karpouzos - 2024 - Cosmic Spirit 1:8.
    Η αφήγηση του Οδυσσέα είναι μια σειρά από τυχαίες συναντήσεις. Η ζωή των ηρώων και η συμπεριφορά του έχει σχεδόν ενδεχομενικό χαρακτήρα και λέμε «Σχεδόν» — γιατί το κείμενο πρέπει να γραφτεί. Η ασήμαντη απρόβλεπτη λεπτομέρεια πρέπει να μετατραπεί σε σημάδι, ώστε στη συνέχεια να εγκαταλείψει ένα μέρος της εφήμερης ιδιότητάς της και να κοινοποιηθεί, που γίνεται μέρος του ίδιου του μυθιστορήματος του Joyce. Για να αποφευχθεί ο χαρακτηρισμός σε αποσπάσματα όπως αυτό που αναφέρθηκε παραπάνω από το να παραμείνει καθαρός (...)
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  38. Zhuangzi on Friendship and Death.Alexis Elder - 2014 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 52 (4):575-592.
    Zhuangzi suggests that death is a transformation that we commonly and mistakenly think means the end of someone but really just marks a new phase of existence. This metaphysical thesis is presented at several points in the text as an explanation of distinctively Daoist responses to death and loss. Some take a Daoist response to death, as presented by Zhuangzi, to indicate dual perspectives on friendship and death. But I argue that the metaphysical view sketched above is consistent with a (...)
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  39. Siri, Stereotypes, and the Mechanics of Sexism.Alexis Elder - 2022 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 8 (3).
    Feminized AIs designed for in-home verbal assistance are often subjected to gendered verbal abuse by their users. I survey a variety of features contributing to this phenomenon—from financial incentives for businesses to build products likely to provoke gendered abuse, to the impact of such behavior on household members—and identify a potential worry for attempts to criticize the phenomenon; while critics may be tempted to argue that engaging in gendered abuse of AI increases the chances that one will direct this abuse (...)
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  40. Proprioception, Anosognosia, and the Richness of Conscious Experience.Alexis Elder - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (3-4):3-4.
    Proprioception, a sense of bodily position and movement, is rarely the focus of conscious experience. If we are ordinarily conscious of proprioception, we seem only peripherally so. Thus, evidence that proprioception is present in the periphery of at least some conscious experiences seems to be good evidence that conscious experience is fairly rich. Anosognosia for paralysis is a denial of paralysis of one's limbs, usually in the wake of brain damage from stroke. Because anosognosic patients overlook their paralysis, anosognosia seems (...)
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  41. Homoiōsis Theōi: Plato’s Ultimate Educational Aim.Alexis Deodato S. Itao - 2023 - Problemos 104:36-46.
    Many academics and researchers who publish scholarly articles on Plato’s philosophy of education claim that the ultimate educational goal for Plato is simply the acquisition of virtues. While such a claim may not be entirely incorrect, it is nevertheless substantially wanting; for although the acquisition of virtue is no doubt paramount, for Plato it primarily serves as a means to another end. In this paper, I aim to show that, for Plato, the final summit of all educational enterprise is not (...)
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  42. Constitutional Rights and Proportionality.Robert Alexy - 2014 - Revus 22:51-65.
    There are two basic views concerning the relationship between constitutional rights and proportionality analysis. The first maintains that there exists a necessary connection between constitutional rights and proportionality, the second argues that the question of whether constitutional rights and proportionality are connected depends on what the framers of the constitution have actually decided, that is, on positive law. The first thesis may be termed ‘necessity thesis’, the second ‘contingency thesis’. According to the necessity thesis, the legitimacy of proportionality analysis is (...)
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  43. The interpersonal is political: unfriending to promote civic discourse on social media.Alexis Elder - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (1):15-24.
    Despite the initial promise of social media platforms as a means of facilitating discourse on matters of civic discourse, in practice it has turned out to impair fruitful conversation on civic issues by a number of means. From self-isolation into echo chambers, to algorithmically supported filter bubbles, to widespread failure to engage politically owing to psychological phenomena like the ‘spiral of silence’, a variety of factors have been blamed. I argue that extant accounts overlook the importance of interpersonal relationships to (...)
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  44. ’How could you even ask that?’ Moral considerability, uncertainty and vulnerability in social robotics.Alexis Elder - 2020 - Journal of Sociotechnical Critique 1 (1):1-23.
    When it comes to social robotics (robots that engage human social responses via “eyes” and other facial features, voice-based natural-language interactions, and even evocative movements), ethicists, particularly in European and North American traditions, are divided over whether and why they might be morally considerable. Some argue that moral considerability is based on internal psychological states like consciousness and sentience, and debate about thresholds of such features sufficient for ethical consideration, a move sometimes criticized for being overly dualistic in its framing (...)
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  45. THE PATH OF WISDOM - ALEXIS KARPOUZOS.Alexis Karpouzos & Αλέξης καρπούζος - 2022 - Athens: COSMIC SPIRIT.
    As with so many mystics, Alexis karpouzos intuitively know the oneness of cosmic creation and historic humanity as part of all that is and all there isn't. So, the originality of Alexis Karpouzos thought is that it crosses the most diverse fields, the most opposing philosophies, to unite them into an often contradictory and broken whole. Marx and Heidegger, Nietzsche, Freud and Heraclitus, poets and political theorists all come together in the same distance and the same unusual proximity. (...)
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  46. What Confucian Ethics Can Teach Us About Designing Caregiving Robots for Geriatric Patients.Alexis Elder - 2023 - Digital Society 2 (1).
    Caregiving robots are often lauded for their potential to assist with geriatric care. While seniors can be wise and mature, possessing valuable life experience, they can also present a variety of ethical challenges, from prevalence of racism and sexism, to troubled relationships, histories of abusive behavior, and aggression, mood swings and impulsive behavior associated with cognitive decline. I draw on Confucian ethics, especially the concept of filial piety, to address these issues. Confucian scholars have developed a rich set of theoretical (...)
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  47. Paul Ricoeur's Hermeneutics of Symbols: A Critical Dialectic of Suspicion and Faith.Alexis Itao - 2010 - Kritike 4 (2):1-17.
    Since Ricoeur has largely been identified with hermeneutics, he is very seldom associated with critical theory – a regrettable case since his hermeneutics actually holds the access to his critical theory. Hence in this paper I will explore the critical side of Ricoeur’s hermeneutics within the sphere of his interpretation of symbols. It is hoped that through this venture some of the aspects of the frequently ignored, disregarded, and forgotten relationship between Ricoeur’s hermeneutics and critical theory, will be brought to (...)
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  48. The Political Moralism of Some Catholic Bishops and Priests: A Postmodern Evaluation.Alexis Deodato Itao - 2022 - Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy 8 (Special Issue):186-212.
    The Catholic Church never officially endorses political candidates but rather respects the freedom of its faithful to vote according to the dictates of their conscience. However, in the last presidential elections, some Catholic bishops and priests in the Philippines publicly and openly supported the presidential candidacy of Vice President Leni Robredo while urging the rest of the faithful to do the same. These bishops and priests anchored their position on their shared belief that voting for Robredo was the only rightful (...)
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  49. After Shame; Before Moral Obligation (CMO): Ethical Lag and the Credit Crisis.Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis - 2010 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 4 (3/4):244-266.
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  50. The Political Vision of Contemporary Filipinos: A Ricoeurian Reading of Duterte's Popular Presidency.Alexis Deodato Itao - 2018 - Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy 4 (Special Issue):121-160.
    President Rodrigo Duterte to this day has continued to enjoy popularity among majority of the Filipinos. And this, even as Duterte himself has continually graced the headlines, not for any outstanding humanitarian achievement, but for his typical but highly controversial personal blunders and braggadocios, outrageous remarks, and penchant for informalities. And this, too, even as no less than the U.S. intelligence department tags him as a “threat to democracy” and no less than some influential bishops in the Catholic Church accuse (...)
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